Ballarat city council COVID-19 Video Production

COVID-19 Response Video Production

The Ginkgo Tree Creative Studio were commissioned by Creative City Ballarat (Ballarat City Council) to create a video response to COVID-19 and lockdowns. It was during lockdown, so we had to think creatively about how to carry out the project. We decided to take footage of Emma riding her bike during the allowed 1 hour of exercise in iconic places in Ballarat that the community could connect to, and created this poetic piece of video storytelling with local poet/musician Hap Hayward and musician Garth Horsfield. The result is a poignant nod to the loneliness, fear, sense of community, supporting friends and family, and the process of slowing down during this tumultuous period.

Emma Hall

Emma Hall, co-founder of The Ginkgo Tree is a creative storyteller and innovative problem solver. Her focus is project/event management and web design/branding.

VACSAL - Carnival event management, web design, videos, marketing


Ballarat artist O’Shannessy - Dowling Squarespace eCommerce Website Design, Training, Logo